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Wenzhou Tongli analyzes the advantages of worm gear reducer for you

温州通历为你解析蜗轮蜗杆减速机的优点:减速机通常用于高转矩低转速的传动机构,将电动机以及其它较高转速的动力通过蜗轮减速器后,使转速降下来,并提高输出转矩。把蜗轮减速器安装于电动机与工作机组之间,由电动机输送动力,蜗轮减速机降速,从而把转速以及转矩由输出轴传递至工作机组。确定这一蜗轮减速机的型号、功率、速比以及轴方向是否是与你目前需要安装的其它设备对应的。避免造型时正确,安装时把型号混淆的事件发生.检查蜗轮减速机内部油量情况,看是否出现在运输过程中有油的渗出. 可以有了很大的传动比,比交错轴斜齿轮机构紧凑,两轮啮合齿面间为线接触,其承载能力大大高于交错轴斜齿轮机构,蜗杆传动相当于螺旋传动,为多齿啮合传动,故传动平稳、噪音很小,具有自锁性。当蜗杆的导程角小于啮合轮齿间的当量摩擦角时,机构具有自锁性,可实现反向自锁,即只能由蜗杆带动蜗轮,而不能由蜗轮带动蜗杆。

For example, the self-locking worm mechanism used in its heavy machinery, its reverse self-locking property can play a safety protection role, the transmission efficiency is low, and the wear is more serious.When the worm gear is engaged in transmission, the relative sliding speed between the meshing gear teeth is large, so the friction loss is large and the efficiency is low.On the other hand, the relative sliding speed means that tooth surface wear is serious and heat generation is serious. In order to dissipate heat and reduce wear, more expensive materials with better anti-friction and anti-wear properties and good lubricating devices are often used, so the cost is higher. .

Hangzhou Hengli Transmission Co., Ltd. Zhejiang ICP No. 18035283

Address: Pu'er Industrial Zone, Oubei Town, Yongjia County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
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Phone: 0577-67652294
Mobile: 159 0687 7194 Contact: Alan
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